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Mischief in the Blogosphere

via chambermusictoday

I am by no means perfect, neither personally nor professionally, and I’ve been leery in my brief blogging career of overtly criticizing other PR agencies.  But I have to say I am consistently floored when I hear accounts of my PR brethren posting comments on message boards or blogs under pseudonymns in attempts to further their clients’ agendas.   What I particularly enjoy is when the comments can be traced back directly the email accounts of the guilty agencies.  (Would suggest the offending PR practitioner secretly wanted to get caught…just like me as a teenager, getting busted for house parties while my parents were away by leaving one incriminating Rolling Rock bottlecap in the kitchen for my mother to find the morning after…)

As usual, I digress.  Back to digital PR mischief.  The most recent of these brouhahas involves Manhattan-based agency 5WPR who allegedly fired an intern for posting blog comments in the guise of a rabbi who had been critical of one of 5WPR’s clients…it’s complicated, this account at forward.com helps.

It’s convenient to have all these summer interns running around, isn’t it, just waiting for the buses to roll over their expendible little backs?  Maybe it really was an intern who did the deed.  If so, termination was certainly appropriate.  If not…well, who am I to judge?  There’s a backstory for every story…I guess. 

And since schadenfreude isn’t particularly pretty, I will end this post here.

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